Черепаха - символ движения вперед. Самое главное достоинство этого талисмана то, что он привлекает удачу, делает выше уровень жизни, помогает безукоризненно решать все жизненные задачи и дела, а так же повышает рост доходов.
Turtle - a symbol of progress. The main advantage of this talisman that it attracts luck, making higher standard of living, perfectly helps to solve all of life's challenges and business, as well as improves the earnings growth.owner.

Birds - the ancient symbol of the imperishable, the soul, the spirit, the divine manifestation, spirits of the air, the spirits of the dead, ascension to heaven, to communicate with the gods, or go into a higher state of consciousness, thought, imagination.

Wings as an ancient symbol are solar symbols and represent a deity, spiritual nature, moving, protecting and all-embracing power of the deity, the ability to go beyond the physical world, not to feel fatigue, omnipresence, air, wind, instant starting, flight time, flight of ideas, strength faith, reason, freedom, victory, quickness.

The tree symbolizes the unity of heaven, earth and water; dynamic life as opposed to the static stone; "Median tree" that connects the three worlds, making it possible connections between them and giving access to the sun forces; Peace Center.

Кошка во многих мифологических традициях связывается с луной (способность изменять форму зрачка символизирует фазы Луны), с идеей плодородия, плодовитости. Кроме того, в некоторых культурах она является и солярным символом, связывается с идеей царственности.
Cat in many mythological traditions associated with the moon (the ability to change the shape of the pupil represents the phases of the moon), with the idea of fertility and fecundity. Additionally, in certain cultures it is also solar symbol, associated with the idea of royalty.
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